Portrait of Canada began as a dream many years ago. The plan then was to create a series of drawings in graphite, depicting Canada’s cultural diversity. I’d envisioned this collection of portraits being shipped from gallery to gallery across the country, that people from all over could walk into a shop, and gaze upon the beauty of our nation.

Free of racism or bigotry, people would be able to see their ethnic history portrayed with respect and dignity.

Over time, the overwhelming logistics of such a projected slowed its progress, and it wasn’t until the advent of the internet that I realized the project could live on, though in a different manner.

Over the years, my husband and I have taken to photographing a variety of Canadians. We’ve explained the purpose of the photos, and in each case, the person whom we approached expressed pride in being able to represent our country.

Enjoy these pieces. As more are created, they will continue to be added to this page, that we may remember what makes this country so special.

Karen McPherson


Portrait of Canada